Yes, it's 3am now and it's the time that I feel that it's the best to blog!
As you all know I blog the best during midnight when everyone is asleep!
Maybe it's just a habit, I don't know leh! But anyway, this entry I'm gonna show you guys a typical one full day that I went out, and with all the stuff that I did for the day!
Early morning:

Mcdoneh breakfast! :D
It's really crazy for me as you all know that my sleeping hours are screwed recently after I ORD and I sleep really late like at 5/6am? And I wake up only during afternoon time!
So it's kinda like hard for me to wake up so early, just to have breakfast lor!
But I was really craving for mcdoneh breakfast the other time, and so yea! I set alarm clock and I really did wake up! But I pretty much treasure this of kind of lifestyle (sleep late, wake up late) cause once school starts, I won't be able to do that already! Or maybe I still will! Hahahaha!

I love McGriddles! I don't understand why people don't like it!

Just a random shot of the pepper!

Pretty clouds seen from my window when I'm back home after breakfast!

Met up with Ting and Kx to Ann Siang Hill to shop!

Yea! The whole of Singapore! It's something like a prototype (is it the right term?)!

Pictures with it!

I'm super impressed by people who can do all these lor! It's crazy!

Hello to the people at Bedok!

Kx & Ting!

Everything in white! Pretty!

Erm... I..... love my pants! HAHAHAHA!

To Maxwell food centre!

Decided to queue for the fish meat bee hoon!

All I can say it's super yums! I love it cause it's so milky!


Sugarcane juice with lemon!

Popiah which is also very yummy!

Candid picture of Ting!
After that, we went to shop over at Bugis and I bought few tops and shoes! Woooo!
Late night:

Went over to Lunar to meet up Airforce mates!

Everyone is super high and is enjoying themselves!

Random collage!

Some girls for you?
But it's super funny cause they dance until so ugly and awkward! Hahahaha!
And most of them don't really look good also! So weird right? But I guess this is not their main attraction, but the singers I think! But all the songs they sing are chinese songs, which is not really a bad thing though! But it is bad when most of the songs is those that I never hear before one!
I think they like sing super oldies songs lor! Should be lah!

One group picture to end the night!
As you all know I blog the best during midnight when everyone is asleep!
Maybe it's just a habit, I don't know leh! But anyway, this entry I'm gonna show you guys a typical one full day that I went out, and with all the stuff that I did for the day!

Mcdoneh breakfast! :D
It's really crazy for me as you all know that my sleeping hours are screwed recently after I ORD and I sleep really late like at 5/6am? And I wake up only during afternoon time!
So it's kinda like hard for me to wake up so early, just to have breakfast lor!
But I was really craving for mcdoneh breakfast the other time, and so yea! I set alarm clock and I really did wake up! But I pretty much treasure this of kind of lifestyle (sleep late, wake up late) cause once school starts, I won't be able to do that already! Or maybe I still will! Hahahaha!

I love McGriddles! I don't understand why people don't like it!

Just a random shot of the pepper!

Pretty clouds seen from my window when I'm back home after breakfast!

Met up with Ting and Kx to Ann Siang Hill to shop!

Yea! The whole of Singapore! It's something like a prototype (is it the right term?)!

Pictures with it!

I'm super impressed by people who can do all these lor! It's crazy!

Hello to the people at Bedok!

Kx & Ting!

Everything in white! Pretty!

Erm... I..... love my pants! HAHAHAHA!

To Maxwell food centre!

Decided to queue for the fish meat bee hoon!

All I can say it's super yums! I love it cause it's so milky!


Sugarcane juice with lemon!

Popiah which is also very yummy!

Candid picture of Ting!
After that, we went to shop over at Bugis and I bought few tops and shoes! Woooo!

Went over to Lunar to meet up Airforce mates!

Everyone is super high and is enjoying themselves!

Random collage!

Some girls for you?
But it's super funny cause they dance until so ugly and awkward! Hahahaha!
And most of them don't really look good also! So weird right? But I guess this is not their main attraction, but the singers I think! But all the songs they sing are chinese songs, which is not really a bad thing though! But it is bad when most of the songs is those that I never hear before one!
I think they like sing super oldies songs lor! Should be lah!

One group picture to end the night!