Went for a dye to a lighter colour about 3 weeks back!
Though it's still not the colour I want yet, so I'm going back to dye it even lighter abit more cause in real life it's still alittle bit yellow (I think)! Oh! And its the also the first time I bleach my hair too!
And I think it's quite okay leh? I mean not really painful as what people seems to say that it will be!
Just that it takes super long!!!! Like including my hair cut, it takes about 4 hours?

They also given me this Flowing Form (smoothing balm) from Wella!
Okay, but before that I think that I look kinda weird here though! :/
SO ANYWAY, you guys can also see my invisalign attachments too (which somehow is abit obvious here due to the angle of the picture)! So back to the smoothing balm, it's actually pretty useful cause I was telling my stylist I wanted something to smoothen my hair and he suggest I should use this!
Which actually works, wtf! I just put it on when my hair is wet and when it's dry, it really soft and smoother than what it usually is! I think it's especially good for people who always colour hair lor!
Or people who have dry hair like me! Hahahaha!

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Bugis Essensuals a call! Tel: 63330039