Hello everyone!! Typicalben here!! :D
I'm here today to just talk about some issues, that we all teenagers or young adults might face in this current society. As you all know friends and family are very important to us and in these current times, all of us love making friends! We need friends at some point in our lives! The companionship, the fun, the shopping and chilling out together! It is so awesome! A stranger can easily become your friend just by talking to you on Facebook or just by meeting them at the club etc.
Well, it is always good to make more friends and know new people! Yay!
But you must also be clear and know how to differentiate friends who would influence you positively or negatively. Some people may make friends with you with ulterior motives and end up harming you instead. It is always hard to judge or gauge, and of course I am not saying everyone is like that. Nice people are everywhere but I am just saying we have to be careful. Not just people that we just knew or met but maybe some of your current friends might also end up leading you astray.
You might ask, how would my friends lead me astray?
It can be smoking, stealing and worse of all, taking drugs. If you are not careful, you might succumb to peer pressure and do what your friends ask you to do. So remember, you must always have your own stand and stick to it. Have a clear mind and do not get easily influenced or affected by your friends (and I don't think they are your friends if they ask you to do wrong things!) just because you want to fit in to the group. Do not do it also, even if they might threaten you by saying you are crowd or timid for not wanting to try. I think it takes greater courage to say NO to doing these wrong stuff!!
What I am really worried is drugs. Once you try it, you may get addicted to it, it will ruin your life.
I am not joking and I am very serious here. You see how many well-known celebrities had their careers and lives ruined because they took drugs. It is not a fun or cool thing to do at all.
So whenever it comes to drugs or anything related to that.....
Regardless who ask you to try drugs, you must always say NO!
I know sometimes it is hard to reject your friends because they might tease you or threaten you. You need to know what the consequences are if you were to accept their offer. Drugs are not sweets or snacks that you can just munch it as and when you want, and stop whenever you want it. It is addictive and you will end up to be a "slave" to it by paying loads of money and at the same time harm your body.
There are also people who are not influenced by their peers but instead they want to try drugs for other reasons – such as for fun or cool or exciting. Seriously, IT IS NOT. Others took drugs because they feel stress or unwanted, and thought that taking drugs would relieve their stress. Please, it will only make you feel worse and not make you any better!
There are so many other things that you can do without using drugs, for example;
Exercise or do some sports!!!
I know not everyone love to exercise but finding a sports that you like and doing physical activities releases endorphin which are feel-good hormones and helps to relieve stress (if you are feeling it). If not it's always good to sweat it all out, you will feel better too! Or if you are lazy to exercise or do anything that are sports related, you can always find a hobby! Find something that you like to do and do it with your friends!
How about shopping??? Who says shopping isn't a hobby, it can be!
For some people (like me), shopping helps to relieve stress and divert my attention from all the negative stuff! It is my hobby too! Hahaha! I am sure all of us love shopping, so when you are stressed, you can go out and shop! But that does not mean you have to spend alot of money. You can window-shop or go to places where the stuff are “cheap” or the place is having a SALE! Well, it is better than taking drugs, right? Seriously, it is so uncool, and such an expensive habit to maintain.
Listen to music or watch videos and dance along to it!!!!
If you are feeling too stressed up and had thought of taking drugs. Stop! Go listen to your favourite songs or music and relax yourself, it will help you clear your mind and allow you to think clearly afterwards! If not, you can watch funny videos to make yourself laugh and cheer up! Why end up taking drugs when you can do other stuff that you love and enjoy right?
If you have problems or in encounter situations where you are pressured to take drugs, you can always talk to someone. Find someone whom you can trust and you are comfortable to talk with, and let it all out!
It can be your best friends, your partner or family members! Don't bottle-up your problems and feelings, it's better to let it out because there will always be people around who care for you. Me included! :)
Well, as I'm talking so much about drugs earlier... I think it's also very important for you guys to know what are some of the common drugs and how they look like! Drugs such as........
'Ice' (Methamphetamine)
And Heroin are two of the most common drugs!
The side effects of these both drugs are pretty deadly and I'm gonna let you know their effects and danger. If not, you might think that when I earlier said that drugs "ruining your life" was just to scare you. Let's start with 'Ice' (Methamphetamine) first! Some of the effects and dangers from taking it are:
- Increased heart rate and body temperature
- Fits, stroke and death
- Damage to heart and nerves
- Liver and kidney diseases
- Abnormal behaviour with mood swings, confusion, delusion and hallucination
- Anxiety and irritability
See how deadly and harmful it is!!! You will damage so much of your healthy organs and might also suffer diseases that will ruin your body and health! As for Heroin, its effects and dangers are:
- Lowered heart rate and respiration
- Damage to lungs, kidneys and liver
- Dull feeling and tiredness
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Constipation
By looking at the lists of effects and dangers, you should already know whether this is what you want for your life. Your life can be so awesome, exciting and fun, do not ruin it by giving in to temptations or peer influence/pressure. I believe everyone have a bright future and we can excel in our life and I feel that it's really silly and 'stupid' to take drugs because not only you will hurt yourself, your loved ones will feel the pain too. So always keep these in mind and never give in to drugs.
Alright, that's all from me for now! I hope to share more stories with you guys again! :)